Monday 2 December 2013

What kept India far from devolopment !!!

Development.We all devolop in one or the other way.Needless to say India is developing since 6 long decades.But still there is something that keeps India far from development.Social beliefs,old and ancient culture,poverty,corruption,narrow minded people and many other stuffs.I havent yet said politics. Someone had said "India was ruled and born to be ruled." but he didn't meant that our country will be ruled by our age old beliefs.Then why we have people that are still trapped in superstitions.We do have cities with high skyscrapers,but our mind has narrowed."When a monkey tries to climb a tree , others are there to pull his tail...".This is what we are doing !!! We dont like people progressing.The time when a person progress,we have people that repeatedly reminds him of his past.
Jawaharlal Nehru,first prime minister of independant India,during his speech had said..."What India is today,surely will not be the same tommorow".And we have proven it.Those days people had that spirit of humanism and love for the country.And now a-days...we have spirit of filling our pockets and we simply love our GF instead.I bet India sure hasn't dreamt of these days.The more we speak about these topics the more we feel ashame of ourselves !!! What are the youth of India doing right now.???They are surely dreaming of a better future.But are they contributing anything ??? No.They are busy liking facebook pages and retweeting the twitter posts !!!
Development is not a one day process,it needs lots and lots of time,but once we know the secret of success,its totaly ours."Even i get my shine when i am polished"-Diamond. We will not get success until we bear the pain.Japan had faced a massive distruction when Tsunami had made the life in Japan miserable.But just an year after,Japan was flourishing more than it ever flourished.This is what we say country love,and this is what missing in our people !!! We need to get developed . It will be surely a great tribute to the leaders who sacrificed their lives just for the sake of ours.They wanted us to enjoy the smell of freedom! I am sure we will develop. surely help India to develop....Till then Jai hind !!!

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