Wednesday 4 December 2013

FB Pages !! Twitter Tweets !! Sad enough :(

They say.."India is gonna be the next gen superpower, has max % of youth population".And what the mean so say is totally right. Youth population means working population !! More the working population more the development !! But does the Indian youth contribute anything for the country. 
     With 65% of our population is youth, our focus right now has to be the ‘youth’. The nation knows the power of Indian youth. But does the youth know its power? Are they responsible youth ? The time has come for the youth to come to the front and start doing.
For that to happen, the youth must realise their responsibility. But do they? Which are the areas the youth is comfortable to work in? Moreover what do they think of the current problems that India is facing? No. Because they are busy liking FB pages and re-tweeting the twitter tweets. When they are so busy doing this, how will they get time to think about the nation. I am sure India wasnt hoping for this. Comparatively, looking at China, it is having more population that what we have. But still its progressing with much faster rate. "We want to live in progressed India" - says Indian youth !! But they surely dont want to help Indian progressing ! We need to change guys ! India wants us to change the nation !! And I am we...will surely help India to progress...!! Till then....Jay Hind !!!

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