Sunday 22 December 2013

Are they secure ???

       Are they secure ???? If you are well aware of the current situation of India, then you might be getting about what topic am i writing about , the topic name itself says much more than i could ever explain .
       Every other day, the Indian media flashes the news about the rape cases occurring in various parts of the country.Thus many of the Indian women thinks twice before stepping out of their house at odd times.They are in the state of preputual,simmering rage.Tolerence of sexual violence is at historic low in urban,middle class India.This is kind of topic that should not only be medialised  but also is the topic on which we need to get serious enough.This is the exact point which shows the current situation of security system in the countyland.But we cant blame only the security system but , orignally , we , the commen people are also responcible for the same. Some one has clearly said "We cant clap with the only hand..." you know what he meant !!!!!!
        Now looking at the Delhi rape case , we can surely blame the cops that didnt listened at the passengers complaint that was brutally looted by the bus members. Yes, the same bus that distroyed the life of that girl. If the cops would have listened to the complaint of that passenger and would have stopped the bus at the same moment...the next incident would not have been taken place. Unfortunately , the cops failed to do their duty.But what happened st the other hand ???? When the girl and her male friend were brutually abused and thrown out of the bus , many people saw but neglected them , fearing that they might get trapped.In this case , only cops are not to be blamed. What humanity did the people (who had seen them lying in the bed of blood !!! ) showed ??? Such a same ! If the people would have helped the girl she would have saved..she would be surviving.... May her soul rest in peace !
        And then ... media flashed one more news of rape case in Mumbai. Mumbai-the city which was assumed to be the safest city of womens was now hearing their cries ! Why did this happened,that too just after the delhi rape case. The whole of India was in grief . and the media flashed one more news.
      There are many rape cases happening in various parts of India. but not all are medialised.Not all are taken into concern. Not all the womens get justice !!!
      All the womens from every corner are screaming "ENOUGH !!!!!" .Its quite natural and necessary.Womens should and must fight for their right.They have only 1 question in their mind "Are we secure ?????" And the unfortunate answer is "No....still not :(" You are still not secure.We need special fastrack courts with indivisuals that who are passionate about combating the abuses,we need anger and outrage, media coverage and public action.We need a concern proactive judisary.We need a comprehencive plan to combat rape and sexual violence and we need it right now !!
 अगर  है  तु  सच्चा  इन्सान , तोह  मुँह मोडके  क्यूँ  बैठा है ?
   इसी  खतरनाक दुनिया  मैं  , आज  भी  तु  रहता  है !
  अगर  होगा  तु   मर्द  मन का , कर दे अपना हाथ तु आगे !
दे सम्मान स्त्री जात को , तभी हिंदुस्तान जागे  , तभी हिंदुस्तान जागे !!!!
                                      -Chaitanya Mali !

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