Thursday 9 January 2014

What are they supposed to do !

"Once you give us your votes , and u will see your future changing..." these are the words from every politician who stands for elections.Last 6 decades India is hoping for a better future. Many people stood for election , convinced people , got  their votes , and did nothing !! The only thing these people did is filling up their pockets. There are obviously many debates on such topic . Whenever something bad happens , people blame the government .They just blamed the present government and voted the same political party again . This surely doesn't make any sense !
    Now before debating on such topics we will see what actually is government . Government is , simply saying , a bunch of people that are supposed to create laws for welfare of citizens of particular country . They need to do such things that are supposed to maintain peace in countryhood ! There are obviously many things that people hope from government. There are many things that people expect from government.
      Taking into consideration the Indian public the people want the government to focus on corruption, poverty , better transport facilities etc etc. People want better infrastructures and want their city to look like something from future. People want better playgrounds for their children to increase their sports .These are some of the things that people want from their government .
        The people standing in elections say many thing but doesn't do anything once they get elected ! The only thing they do is filling up their pockets, having luxuries cars and bungalows under the name of government ! putting lots of taxes on each and everything keeps their pockets getting filled more and more !! We hope for a better future by means of better government from last 6 decades . But for the first in last so many years , people from India are hoping for a revolutionary change in current situation . That's all because of AAP (Aam Admi Party) leader Arvind Kejrival . We all hope for something new ! Till then.. Jay  Hind...

Sunday 22 December 2013

Are they secure ???

       Are they secure ???? If you are well aware of the current situation of India, then you might be getting about what topic am i writing about , the topic name itself says much more than i could ever explain .
       Every other day, the Indian media flashes the news about the rape cases occurring in various parts of the country.Thus many of the Indian women thinks twice before stepping out of their house at odd times.They are in the state of preputual,simmering rage.Tolerence of sexual violence is at historic low in urban,middle class India.This is kind of topic that should not only be medialised  but also is the topic on which we need to get serious enough.This is the exact point which shows the current situation of security system in the countyland.But we cant blame only the security system but , orignally , we , the commen people are also responcible for the same. Some one has clearly said "We cant clap with the only hand..." you know what he meant !!!!!!
        Now looking at the Delhi rape case , we can surely blame the cops that didnt listened at the passengers complaint that was brutally looted by the bus members. Yes, the same bus that distroyed the life of that girl. If the cops would have listened to the complaint of that passenger and would have stopped the bus at the same moment...the next incident would not have been taken place. Unfortunately , the cops failed to do their duty.But what happened st the other hand ???? When the girl and her male friend were brutually abused and thrown out of the bus , many people saw but neglected them , fearing that they might get trapped.In this case , only cops are not to be blamed. What humanity did the people (who had seen them lying in the bed of blood !!! ) showed ??? Such a same ! If the people would have helped the girl she would have saved..she would be surviving.... May her soul rest in peace !
        And then ... media flashed one more news of rape case in Mumbai. Mumbai-the city which was assumed to be the safest city of womens was now hearing their cries ! Why did this happened,that too just after the delhi rape case. The whole of India was in grief . and the media flashed one more news.
      There are many rape cases happening in various parts of India. but not all are medialised.Not all are taken into concern. Not all the womens get justice !!!
      All the womens from every corner are screaming "ENOUGH !!!!!" .Its quite natural and necessary.Womens should and must fight for their right.They have only 1 question in their mind "Are we secure ?????" And the unfortunate answer is "No....still not :(" You are still not secure.We need special fastrack courts with indivisuals that who are passionate about combating the abuses,we need anger and outrage, media coverage and public action.We need a concern proactive judisary.We need a comprehencive plan to combat rape and sexual violence and we need it right now !!
 अगर  है  तु  सच्चा  इन्सान , तोह  मुँह मोडके  क्यूँ  बैठा है ?
   इसी  खतरनाक दुनिया  मैं  , आज  भी  तु  रहता  है !
  अगर  होगा  तु   मर्द  मन का , कर दे अपना हाथ तु आगे !
दे सम्मान स्त्री जात को , तभी हिंदुस्तान जागे  , तभी हिंदुस्तान जागे !!!!
                                      -Chaitanya Mali !

Friday 6 December 2013

Poverty - India's greatest enemy !!!

                    Poverty is one of the major problems in India. It is the root cause of many socio-economic problems including population explosion, unemployment, and child labour and rising graph of crimes. Poverty alleviation should be the main target of the nation so as to make it a prosperous and developed country. Thus, poverty elimination is a matter of fundamental importance. Poverty implies a condition in which a person finds him unable to maintain a living standard adequate for his physical and mental efficiency. He even fails to meet his basic requirements. Poverty is in fact a relative concept. It is very difficult to draw a demarcation line between affluence and poverty. Poverty is a great pollutant. It is marked by an apathy that erodes self-esteem and any willingness to live life to the fullest. It is also an important factor in the creation of paradoxical situation, the lack of purchasing power amidst plentiful availability of food causing starvation deaths. Poverty makes education, balanced diet, health care facilities, etc. inaccessible. Obviously, all these deprivations immensely affect the personality development of a person, thus creating wide gaps between haves and have-nots. The dimensions of poverty have been changing from time- to-time and place-to-place. There are two inter-related aspects of poverty- urban and rural. The main causes of urban poverty are predominantly due to impoverishment of rural peasantry that forces them to migrate to big cities to find livelihood. In this process they lose even the open space or habitat they had in villages, albeit without food and other basic amenities. In the cities, though they get food but other sanitary facilities including clean water supply still elude them. They are compelled to live in sub-human conditions. There is really a very paradoxical situation, when wealth and prosperity is concentrated in a few homes while millions have to go to bed without food. A select few enjoy the standards of living comparable to the richest in the world while the majority fails to meet both their ends.
     It cannot be said that attempts have not been made by the government. Since 1970s poverty alleviation became the priority in government’s development planning. Policies have been framed with prime focus on improving standard of living of the people by ensuring them food security, promoting self- employment through greater access to assets, increasing wage employment and improving access to basic social services. It is with this aim that Public Distribution System was launched in 1965 to provide foodgrains to the poor at subsidised rates. The Government of India launched the Integrated Rural Development Programme, the largest credit-based government poverty reduction programme in 1979 to provide rural households below the poverty line with credit to purchase income- generating assets. The beneficiaries include small and marginalised
farmers, agricultural labourers, rural artisans, the physically handicapped, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. Within the targeted population, 40 per cent of the beneficiaries are supposed to be women. Significantly, the programme has been successful enough to increase the income of 57 per cent of assisted families. Unemployment and low-productivity have been significant causes of rural poverty. It is to address the problem that a national public work scheme, the Jawahar Rozgar Yojana was launched in 1989 to provide unemployment at the statutory minimum wage for unskilled manual labour, besides low-cost housing and to supply free irrigation well to poor and marginalised farmers. The programme has had a significant impact on poverty reduction.
Besides, a number of other programmes for poverty alleviation are being carried on by government- Central and State. As a consequence of attempts made by government, poverty showed a sharp decline in 1980s. This decline in poverty, to some extent, is also attributed to agriculture development of 1970s and 1980s resulting from the Green Revolutions. However, much more needs to be done, for India is the home to the largest poor population in the world. Basic necessities of life such as drinking water, health care facilities, etc. are still inaccessible to majority of population. In this regard community participation and awareness campaign can make a difference. The media and the NGOs, besides other institutions have crucial role to play. The machinery involved in poverty alleviation need to be accountable, sensitised and sincere. New laws have to be evolved to ensure more accountability. The lack of transparency and accountability has hampered our economic development at all levels. A system of incentives and disincentives can also be of great importance. Thus, the situation is bound to change and society will be free from deprivation.We will help India to come out of this situation !! Jay Hind !!!

Indian youth against corruption !!

Now-a-days corruption can be seen everywhere. It is like cancer in public life, which has not become so rampant and perpetuated overnight, but in course of time. A country where leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Lai Bahadur Shastri and Kamraj have taken birth and led a value-based is now facing the problem of corruption.
When we talk of corruption in public life, it covers corruption in politics, state governments, central governments, "business, industry and so on. Public dealing counters in most all government offices are the places where corruption most evident. If anybody does not pay for the work it is sure work won't be done.

People have grown insatiable appetite for money in them and they can go to any extent to get money. Undoubtedly they talk of morality and the importance of value-based life but that is for outer show. Their inner voice is something else.
It is always crying for money. It has been seen the officers who are deputed to look into the matters of corruption turn out to be corrupt. Our leaders too are not less corrupt. Thus the network of corruption goes on as usual and remains undeterred.
Corruption is seen even in the recruitment department where appointments are ensured through reliable middle agencies. Nexus between politicians and bureaucrats works in a very sophisticated manner. Nexus does also exist between criminals and police.
Everybody knows that criminals have no morals, hence nothing good can we expect from them. But police are supposed to be the symbol of law and order and discipline. Even they are indulged in corruption. This is more so because they enjoy unlimited powers and there is no action against them even on complaints and sufficient proof of abuse of office atrocities and high handedness.
Corruption can be need-based or greed-based. Better governance can at least help to check need-based corruption. Better governance can check greed based corruption also because punishment for the corrupt will be very effective and prompt in a better-governed country.
The steps should be taken to correct the situation overall. Declarations of property and assets of the government employees are made compulsory and routine and surprise inspections and raids be conducted at certain intervals.
Though it seerris very difficult to control corruption but it is not impossible. It is not only the responsibility of the government but ours too. We can eliminate corruption if there will be joint effort. We must have some high principles to follow so that we may be models for the coming generation. Let us take a view to create an atmosphere free from corruption. That will be our highest achievement as human beings. " Now-a-days corruption can be seen everywhere. It is like cancer in public life, which has not become so rampant and perpetuated overnight, but in course of time. A country where leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Lai Bahadur Shastri and Kamraj have taken birth and led a value-based is now facing the problem of corruption.
When we talk of corruption in public life, it covers corruption in politics, state governments, central governments, "business, industry and so on. Public dealing counters in most all government offices are the places where corruption most evident. If anybody does not pay for the work it is sure work won't be done.

People have grown insatiable appetite for money in them and they can go to any extent to get money. Undoubtedly they talk of morality and the importance of value-based life but that is for outer show. Their inner voice is something else.
It is always crying for money. It has been seen the officers who are deputed to look into the matters of corruption turn out to be corrupt. Our leaders too are not less corrupt. Thus the network of corruption goes on as usual and remains undeterred.
Corruption is seen even in the recruitment department where appointments are ensured through reliable middle agencies. Nexus between politicians and bureaucrats works in a very sophisticated manner. Nexus does also exist between criminals and police.
Everybody knows that criminals have no morals, hence nothing good can we expect from them. But police are supposed to be the symbol of law and order and discipline. Even they are indulged in corruption. This is more so because they enjoy unlimited powers and there is no action against them even on complaints and sufficient proof of abuse of office atrocities and high handedness.
Corruption can be need-based or greed-based. Better governance can at least help to check need-based corruption. Better governance can check greed based corruption also because punishment for the corrupt will be very effective and prompt in a better-governed country.
The steps should be taken to correct the situation overall. Declarations of property and assets of the government employees are made compulsory and routine and surprise inspections and raids be conducted at certain intervals.
Though it seerris very difficult to control corruption but it is not impossible. It is not only the responsibility of the government but ours too. We can eliminate corruption if there will be joint effort. We must have some high principles to follow so that we may be models for the coming generation. Let us take a view to create an atmosphere free from corruption. That will be our highest achievement as human beings. " ...we...will surely help India to develop !!!!" Till then...Jay Hind !!!

Wednesday 4 December 2013

FB Pages !! Twitter Tweets !! Sad enough :(

They say.."India is gonna be the next gen superpower, has max % of youth population".And what the mean so say is totally right. Youth population means working population !! More the working population more the development !! But does the Indian youth contribute anything for the country. 
     With 65% of our population is youth, our focus right now has to be the ‘youth’. The nation knows the power of Indian youth. But does the youth know its power? Are they responsible youth ? The time has come for the youth to come to the front and start doing.
For that to happen, the youth must realise their responsibility. But do they? Which are the areas the youth is comfortable to work in? Moreover what do they think of the current problems that India is facing? No. Because they are busy liking FB pages and re-tweeting the twitter tweets. When they are so busy doing this, how will they get time to think about the nation. I am sure India wasnt hoping for this. Comparatively, looking at China, it is having more population that what we have. But still its progressing with much faster rate. "We want to live in progressed India" - says Indian youth !! But they surely dont want to help Indian progressing ! We need to change guys ! India wants us to change the nation !! And I am we...will surely help India to progress...!! Till then....Jay Hind !!!

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Economically backward ... :(

It is not simply one tradition, institution, value, or national characteristic trait that
keeps India economically backward. It is the cumulative and interrelated effect of all of the inhibiting factors considered in this study, although caste, or “community”, comes closer
than any of the other influences to being a keystone in the blockage. It is true that white Americans have held down
the Negroes just as caste Hindus have held down the Untouchables.
But the fact that other countries have uneconomic practices is beside the point for India. India has an unusual number of these
uneconomic practices, and it can least afford them. India is not making enough economic progress to satisfy its growing population and its aspirations. It is not even approaching a “take-off into the sustained growth”. If the United States needs a revolution in its race relations, and is now getting it, India needs a revolution in many
of its institutions and other cultural practice. If others can progress then why cant we.What India really needs is the economic development. "I still remember the days when 1 US$ was 42 INR.....and now it has crossed 63 INR" says the youth of India.

Monday 2 December 2013

What kept India far from devolopment !!!

Development.We all devolop in one or the other way.Needless to say India is developing since 6 long decades.But still there is something that keeps India far from development.Social beliefs,old and ancient culture,poverty,corruption,narrow minded people and many other stuffs.I havent yet said politics. Someone had said "India was ruled and born to be ruled." but he didn't meant that our country will be ruled by our age old beliefs.Then why we have people that are still trapped in superstitions.We do have cities with high skyscrapers,but our mind has narrowed."When a monkey tries to climb a tree , others are there to pull his tail...".This is what we are doing !!! We dont like people progressing.The time when a person progress,we have people that repeatedly reminds him of his past.
Jawaharlal Nehru,first prime minister of independant India,during his speech had said..."What India is today,surely will not be the same tommorow".And we have proven it.Those days people had that spirit of humanism and love for the country.And now a-days...we have spirit of filling our pockets and we simply love our GF instead.I bet India sure hasn't dreamt of these days.The more we speak about these topics the more we feel ashame of ourselves !!! What are the youth of India doing right now.???They are surely dreaming of a better future.But are they contributing anything ??? No.They are busy liking facebook pages and retweeting the twitter posts !!!
Development is not a one day process,it needs lots and lots of time,but once we know the secret of success,its totaly ours."Even i get my shine when i am polished"-Diamond. We will not get success until we bear the pain.Japan had faced a massive distruction when Tsunami had made the life in Japan miserable.But just an year after,Japan was flourishing more than it ever flourished.This is what we say country love,and this is what missing in our people !!! We need to get developed . It will be surely a great tribute to the leaders who sacrificed their lives just for the sake of ours.They wanted us to enjoy the smell of freedom! I am sure we will develop. surely help India to develop....Till then Jai hind !!!